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发布时间: 2021-11-27 23:26:20

① 去伦敦旅游英语作文

My trip to London Last summer vacation ,I went to London with my parents . At first, I went to Buckingham Palace(知道你不会,帮你注一下:白金汉宫),it was very great ! It's so beautiful !Second, I went to British Museum(大英博物馆),it was a little boring .I was unhappy.And then ,I went to Thames River(泰晤士河),it was so clear.At last,I went to Big Ben(大本钟),it was really big. I love London very much ,what about you ?

② 英语组作文:假设你是李华,去年暑假去英国旅游,回来后英语老师要你用英语写一篇文章。

This summer holiday I have been to England and had a great time. Now I would like to share something interesing with you.
In England, I always find people like eating fresh meat and vegetables and they told me that that's why they keep healthy. Speaking of cars, in England, cars all running on the left side which is different from China. If you exceed the speed limit, you will be fined seriously. What's more, it is very impolite to ask people about their salary and age in this country. Besides, when you are lining up, you can't jump the queue. This is the rule in the society and people all follow it. At last, when you are shopping, you can't bargain with others.
This is England. It really made me impressive. I hope I can go there one more time.

③ 英语翻译 我写信给你是要告诉你我暑假要去英国旅游,然后在旅游的时候想要在你家借宿。

My wish of this letter is to ask you if I may live in you house ring the travel I'll have in my next summer vocation?

④ 去伦敦旅游英语作文 时间去年暑假

My trip to London Last summer vacation ,I went to London with my parents .At first,I went to Buckingham Palace(知道你不会,帮你注一下:白金汉宫),it was very great !It's so beautiful !Second,I went to British Museum(大英博物馆),it was a little boring .I was unhappy.And then ,I went to Thames River(泰晤士河),it was so clear.At last,I went to Big Ben(大本钟),it was really big.I love London very much ,what about you

⑤ 咨询去英国旅游的英语短文

Dear Maggie, (应该是Maggie吧,楼主打成Mbggie)

I am going to spend my holiday in Britain this winter vacation. It is really exciting that I can meet you again. I am writing for asking something that I should know when planning my travel. Firstly,about the accommodation, can I book a hotel online? which hotel will you recommand? I want to stay near from your home, then we can catch up each other easily. Secondly, would you please tell me something about the trourist attactions in Britain and things to do there. Thirdly, do you know the regular travel schele? I think it will be a good reference for me. By the way, is the time of Britain 6 hours behind Beijing? Oh, so many questions.I am sorry for that. Thank you very much!

I am looking forward to seeing you in Britain.



⑥ 有关暑假去旅游的英语作文 (80字左右)













⑦ 英语书面表达:假如你叫李华,是一名中学生,你计划在假期去英国旅行,请根据下列提示,给你的英国笔友

One possible version:Dear Ben,How is everything? I am going to travel to England with my parents after finishing the final exam. We’d like to be away for about ten days. But I don’t know about England. I hope you can provide me with some information about the customs of England. I would like to travel to exciting places in England. Please introce some interesting places to me. Yours,Li Hua 1.旅游安排;plan2. 风俗习惯;culture and customs3. 名胜:places of interestbe away 离开 provide…with 提供… would like to do 想要做某事

⑧ 我去年暑假去了英国旅游的翻译是:什么意思

I went to England last summer vacation

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